
Are You Ready for a Bunny?

Their is much consideration you much take in before you get a bunny. You need to be prepared. This is a life time commitment.

Are you in a position to provide all the food, shelter, attention and veterinary care this animal will need over his or her entire life? Before you jump to any answers, please consider the many aspects of pet ownership

So lets see if your ready!

Take the challange and see.

Your Life Style

Think about your lifestyle for a moment. Are you away from home a great deal of the time? Do you work long hours or travel frequently? A bunny should be a companion, who will have ample time to spend with you. Like humans, bunniess are social creatures who love to interact with people and other animals. If you will have very little time to spend with your bunny, perhaps a goldfish would be a better pet to consider.

Your Home

Bunnies chew and chew and chew, so you have to be careful.

Your Finances

Buying a bunny is only the first step; feeding and caring for your pet over its lifetime are where the real costs lie. Food, veterinary care, licenses, kennels, grooming and supplies can really add up.

Veterinary Care

Like all animals bunnys get sick, they will at one time need to go to the vets PLUS a yearly check up is in order.


Bunnies are messy. That's a fact and they get bedding all over. Plus they poop all over the place. Their is a lot of work in keeping them clean. 


Yes, LOTS of cleaning or it will start to stink. Bunyy urine smells very bad so you want to keep it nice and clean for them.

If you have doubts about any of these issues, perhaps you should wait and give this important decision more thought. Postponing your decision is far more preferable than jumping into pet ownership before you think you are really ready. On the other hand, if none of these areas come as a surprise to you, and you consider all these aspects of owning a bunny as simply "second nature" and part of the joy, you are probably ready for the big step. Your biggest challenge (and a great deal of the fun) will be in finding the right bunny for you!